My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Weakend....Just kidding!

So this weekend things went pretty much according to plan with one exception... MY CAR!! So Friday i go to Kohls for their late night sale and I got a bunch of stuff (some of maybe i shouldn't have BUT it was all on sale). I spent more then i wanted to but i figured i needed most of it and what the heck i got nothing major coming up that i need all the money for.

Enter Saturday....I get us up and going on time for the beach and as we are on our way my check engine light comes on! So my day is slightly ruined b/c in the back of my mind i am much will that cost?! is my car going to make it.....I HAVE lots of places to be on Sunday...should i drive my car? I can't borrow my honey's car DANG stick!!!

But we enjoyed the 1st few hours of the beach until people started multiplying like crazy! People, people everywhere not an inch to spare! This lady literally placed her chair on the edge of H's towel! (H = My Honey's sister). The nerve! She got back from the water and the ladies chair was there!! Good thing it wasn't me b/c i would have seriously freaked out on the person! Plus the day just plainly displayed how i never want children even more! (they cry and fling sand and run which in turn flings sand....and scream and cry some more!!)

So then we headed to OC for some lunch/dinner at IKE's!! Only to find the one on Aubry closed so we had to go to the one on the boardwalk. At this point we were hungry and crabby! But Ike's was yummy! I love butterfly fries!! We then do some shopping (despite the fact that i know i need money to get my car fixed i spent about 60$ that day). I bought 3 used books (cause i don't have enough to read), 1 gift for someone, and the other money was spent on parking (5$ for 10 hours) and beach passes.

We get home from our trip crabby and apparently sunburned!! The "continuous" spray did not work out so well for my Honey. Even with me helping him apply it on his back!! I put a lot on there i swear!!! the top part of my back was burned b/c i really didn't put enough block on and i didn't get help putting any on! So next time we use a cream!

Sunday i woke up early so i could go to Auto Zone and get my car checked out...still wasn't early enough b/c then i was late for meeting up with Katie. But we still got to the antique mall and had plenty of time there. We then went to our BF tea. Which was very lovely! It was finger sandwiches and yummy treats! We all had fun talking and doing what girls do! We then went back to Katie's and talked and talked some more.

Then i went to Julie's for dinner! YUMMY Dinner!! she made salad and perogies which doesn't seem like a lot but she had this Italian dressing she made that was awesome! It was so good! OMG i am in love with it!! I almost went for the ranch but i said what the heck I'll try the Italian and i am so glad i did!! Leslie was also there she is a fun girl that i am not quite friends with but I'm more then acquaintances with...does that make sense? We all chatted and joked and had lots of fun! Julie being the awesome host she is sent me home with a packet to make my own yummy salad dressing!!

There was my fun weekend other then the car which is currently in the shop awaiting it's impending doom! Grr!

1 comment:

GothBarbie said...

I'm glad you had a good time with the girl friends- sometimes it not work out so good!


