My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


So my co-worker and i were talking about cussing in school and she has a Hispanic accent. So one time in school the teacher asked for something and she didn't have it so she said "oh SHIT" not loud but not meaning for it to be heard like it was. The teacher then asked her...did you just say "oh CHIPS!" and she was like "Yes....Yes i did."

Going along those lines i was with my cousin last night and his in-laws (I'm more friends with his lovey wife....well i'm friends with him too but oh anyways) and they are from the other side of PA..... So his mother in law was saying how she hates "CreMORE." I'm thinking....what the fuzz is CreMORE? Finally they were talking about vanilla CreMORE and Irish cream CreMORE.....Oh i thought....Creamer.

Then My cousin was saying the first time one of them asked him to "go Red the table" he was like "what do you want me to paint?" But "go Red the table" means go set the table. Then the father in law was saying when he first met his wife he asked her to get him a tablet....she brought him a bottle of Aspirin....instead of a pad of paper like he meant.

Then they were talking about getting tonics instead of calling it soda and grinders instead of hoagies.....But i must say CreMORE wins the prize with Reding a table pretty close.

Now i must go get a grinder to go with my tablet and my tonic, but first maybe I'll red the table by putting some creMORE out.

Thank yous fer comin by. (PS spell check hated this post...PPS this was for you it PPS or PSS?)

1 comment:

GothBarbie said...

post post script-

ha ha!

i love the hillbilly glossery!
but i'm GLAD to have it second hand- i Don't need to witness any more hillbillieness in my lifetime!

i think Reding the table is #1 !

now go ETSY!

