My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The advantages

Here is a list of advantages to being a motor cycle bitch (otherwise known as the person hanging on to the person driving the cycle):

1. You can wear tank tops with giant arm pit holes with no bra at any age or being any gender
2. Short shorts are the order for the day regardless of weather your way too old for them
3. Nasty Nappy hair down to your waist with several different types of hair accessories are a MUST! (my sis noted that the top 7-10 inches of hair is gray while the bottom 7-10 inches are tobacco nasty brown)
4. American flag anything is called for (note: the sky is the limit)
5. Anything Harley Davidson is a requirement even if you rode in on a Honda
6. Get creative with that bandanna just as long as it looks greasy it's good to go
7. The less teeth the better
8. The more brown toned teeth the better
9. Having a beer already in hand no matter where your going is considered normal behavior


10. Ass less Chaps and a American Flag Bikini top make all the other riders want you on their bike. (even if your pushing fifty and the girls are dragging on the seat.)


Moving on.

My weekend is starting to shape up nicely. I wont go into details b/c EVERYTHING always changes. But I am excited! :o) Tonight should be nice as well. My honey and i are going to go to a park after dinner the weather has been so nice! I am well into book 3 in the twilight series and i can't wait to see what happens!!

Oh last night small blonde gym instructor told me my arms are looking really nice. Also everyone in my class is wicked green eyed with my mad flexibility! It's not totally up to what it use to be but I'm getting there. I just wish i could swim! There is a community indoor pool at one of the schools that has fall times for community swim but i just shutter too much at the thought of using an indoor pool. It would feel like high school swim in gym all over again....Yuck!

That is all for now.....o wait

IRTC: Yeah come up with an original thought...what is that again? Hollywood or whoever comes out with these movies should go walk off a blank! Did you hear they are going to make movies out of the Tintin books?! Tintin.....what happened to all the original ideas....i mean i knew a time would come when people might start recycling ideas but seriously! Has it really come to that?

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