My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As i said....

As i was e-mailing someone at the end of the day yesterday and told them "The day just got away from me." It's true the day just got the hell away from me and before i knew it 4:28pm was upon me i hadn't posted anything and i was going to my moms so i wouldn't be posting anything. Am i now out of the club? Was i even in the club to begin with? Or am i not only a member but the president of this club (that i just made up because i can. and no you can't be a member unless you go through initiation. And no it's not like a frat house or anything like that)? I'm sure that i can get away with not posting yesterday because i promise to make it up to you tomorrow....or something like that. I know i said i would post pictures from my weekend.....just give me another day and i will post them.

I would like to take a few moments and talk about the fashion crisis the world seems to be going through. Why is it now the in thing to look like your 4 months pregnant? All these baggy saggy clothes with tappered pants are not a step forward my friend. It's scary and it's bad. I try not to look around too much and i try not to have nightmares about ugly clothes but sometimes i can't help it. At moments like these i wish i had learned how to make my own clothes. Anyways i just wanted to take a moment and let that out. (now that was nice)

Tonight i get to see the Matches! So excited! Then tomorrow is wrist surgery day for Dan. (not so excited about that.) What can you do.

So who knew a dish rag would kick my ass? Who? As my mom and I restarted our dish rags last night b/c we swore to get them to look at least half as good as little big sis's, we begun to wonder if we were cut out for this dish rag business!! I finally got mine to look half way decent and finished the dang thing. Mom declared that she just could not do the shells and gave up. However (in case your listening little big sis) she has a new one for us to try next week! I told her that it's all fine and great except no one can use my dish rag as a rag now that i put so much love and attention into the thing!! So i guess i will have to turn the other way when the thing is being used!!

Lets talk about how my little big sis can make a perfect dish rag in one try and trim it all in one night!! I mean all night last night i was cussing that it just isn't fair! She crafted the thing like it was actually hidden in her sleeve the whole time and BAM magically appeared at the end of the night!! She rocks and it's not totally fair. She can cut hair, dye hair, make glamorous outfits, do awesome make-up, crochet anything, draw, read fast, write very well, bake yummy pound cake (and various other items), shop wicked good, gitterize anything, learn just about anything by reading a book on it, put together a very rad apartment......i could go on but you get the idea she is awesome and has all the talent. I'm good at ranting....does that count?

1 comment:

gothbarbie said...

well i don't have to feel underestimated today!

ha ha-
guess what, the reason i look like i can do EVERYTHING well is because if i know i CANNOT do it well i skip it and leave it to someone else!

so there is my secret!

glad you noticed my skills though!

everyone will think i am this super hero now!

charles did say i look like one with my new mohawk!

thank you for being a looking-up-to-big-sis sis!

