My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Trying to be happy

So the surgery went well….so far. Pain….lots of Pain today apparently. I wouldn’t know first hand as it is not happening to me. He seems ok but every little thing is worrying me….i guess that’s what happens when someone you love gets a procedure done….big or small they all seem to have the same effect on our mind. I could list some of the things I worry about but what is the point I just need to NOT worry and just keep an eye on everything. Of course it would be easier for me to watch him if I was not going to 2 shows on the next two nights. But we live with a LPN and a student studying to be a doctor. Tonight he will be going to the movies with the aspiring doctor….that should ease my mind right?

I suppose my # problem was ready this awful article on the mistakes hospitals and such make right before his surgery! Oy! Why did I read that dumb thing? So let me MOVE on…..

Conversation just had:
Owner: “I lost 2 pounds.”
Me: “that’s good!”
Owner: “well 2 pounds on me is like you getting a haircut.”
Me: “but it’s something….better then nothing.”
Owner: “yeah I’m trying.”

Crazy guy! But aren’t all business owners a little off? Tell me the truth don’t they all seem like they are going a little crazy? And most of them wear awful clothes like my sister was saying. They own this successful businesses and dress like all they can afford is the thrift store….but not even the neat stuff you can sometimes find at the thrift store but like the stuff that they should not even be charging people for. So far I have only met one so far that breaks this rule. My old boss…or THE BEST BOSS IN THE WORLD! She dressed really cute and she was enjoying being a business owner, she was the type you would see and think owning a business can be fun! I miss her.

Gosh my blog is depressing today…..

Let me end on a good note….IT’S FRIDAY!! (and they all did the FRIDAY dance and lived happily ever after.)

1 comment:

gothbarbie said...

WHAT you had to READ about all the crazy shit the hospitals and doctors do to people and make MORE problems than they had to begin with- haven't you been listening to Mom's stories all these years?

Firsthand nurse info is SCARY!

but just remember that Boys are Babies about PAIN and whatever he says its like 1/10th of that on your pain scale!

i have to take candid photos of my bosses for you one day! really it is horrible!

have a fun and shiny weekend!
i know i will!

