My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My left foot!

I called my insurance company to see how my claim was going. The guy is telling me there is a payment in the mail. I'm like huh?!? I said you mean his insurance company is already paying the claim? Then he says "No i meant we have sent a check in the mail to pay the rental car company." Ok like i give a rats ass about that!!

So then he tries the Bull shit line of "we are still waiting on the police report." So I say "I can fax you a copy because I have it." Then all the sudden he has it! It's in their system as of that morning! So it's going to be like this!! Oy! Maybe I will call the guys insurance company and take care of business! Oh and i forgot the best part the claims guy tells me "His insurance company might call you with any questions they have." OK that already happened!! And where were these words of "wisdom" before they called me? I am really pissed and I do believe i am going to have to complain to my agent and who ever else will listen b/c these people get 100$ a month from me!! I should be able to get better service then this!! I should feel a little more at ease but i don't!


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