My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Mistake that keeps on giving

So I forgot to change the date on my estimates this week and everyone is bugging out. Just as soon as i get done explaining it to one person another person pops up out of no where and has the same question!! For crying out loud people get over it already!! It's just a date. It's not the end of the world or so i didn't think it was until everyone starting crying over it!! So that my friends is my mistake of the week that keeps on giving! Yippee!

So i get to go to AreKANSAS today and it's not a direct flight so it's going to take over 4 hours to get there maybe more like 5 1/2 with all the travel time and layovers. I am so not excited. I return tomorrow night at like 10-11pm just to be back at work Thursday morning bright and early. Already i want to vomit and I'm not even on the plane yet! So who wants to take my place? anyone? anyone at all? please....someone....anyone.......

FINE be that way!

We saw an apartment last night...the area was OK....the landlord seemed nice....but the apartment was made for a midget. The kitchen was sad. Half oven (which i hate) no counter space (double hate) low ceilings....all around just not for us. My honey can convince himself that any apartment (that isn't falling apart) can work for him...I can not. Especially if it isn't a good price. 895$ a month should get me a better kitchen But maybe i am delusional. Good thing we have plenty of time.

So is my trip over yet? No? WHY NOT? (yes i am whinny today...get over it!) Guess i should go and work for the few hours i am here. Have a swell day.

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