My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everything mushed together

The perspective landlord (PL from hence fourth) had to cancel last night. I'm a little steamed not boiled at the Honey b/c the PL is majorly concerned that the place wont be big enough for us. The #1 reason i believe is b/c when we were walking through the place Honey had to go on and on about how i would take up all the closet space.....and the space under the bed....and this space......and that space! (OK i am exaggerating a bit but ugh.....if only we knew every word we said would be held against us in the court of PL!) PL says we are at the top of his list....i do hope the list is we are the only ones on it short.

He has called our references so I'm guessing that he is starting with us and if he likes us he will end with us and we will all live happily ever after.....

Tonight is CROCHET NIGHT!!! (with a chance of Taco Loco!!) I will also be meeting my sisters super cute ex-co-worker.....well she is her friend i suppose so i will hence fourth refer to her as my sisters super cute friend. Maybe i will actually get somewhere on my blanket! Also i am getting a trim. My hair is getting a bit wolverine esq on the sides. My honey claims he likes it....i claim if he does indeed like it, it's b/c he likes wolverine.

My quads are OK....not great but OK. Mama hugs are bad we don't have a microwave up stairs at work.....and i doubt i will be brave enough to go down stairs and use that microwave. Besides the fact that i might fall on the slippery floor on my way too's just too risky to stand around waiting for the hug with people watching me.....nope no down stairs microwave for me.

This weekend is going to be a busy but fun one! And the plans i have made will actually stick because the people i made them with are reliable! Yippee for reliable! But sadly tomorrow night i was going to hang out with my mom but now tomorrow is the new night to meet with the PL & his girlfriend.....But I'm thinking that if my mom is in a shopping mood I could have her meet me at the.....oh never mind there wont be enough time and i don't want to cut her time short for the PL. Ugh. I WANT MY MOM!!! Well i suppose i will hang out with her this weekend. Well Sunday for sure.

I don't think there is anything else to spill right now so i guess I'll chat some more tomorrow.

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