My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Perm & Ticket

So i gave my mom her perm after changing my pants in the giant parking lot!! I didn't bring my phone in b/c i figured she already told me everything she wanted and when i got back out to the car she had called twice!! But she just wanted ice cream and she said it was no big deal. So i head to her house and we eat and begin the long process that is perm. As i'm rolling the millionth piece of hair and she insists that her hair is neither thick nor very long i can't help but wonder if my sister always gets the easier part of the deal b/c she's older, wiser, or b/c i'm still being punished for being such a brat as a kid....but o'well at least now my moms hair will be permed for another 6 months or so. Shes too much b/c as i'm trying to find method to the madness she is telling me everything that i am doing incorrect. So i tell her she'll be lucky if i ever do this again (while thinking that of course i'll do this whenever you want b/c your my lovely mother too bad she's so nice and wonderful other wise i might be so inclined to never do it again....dang curse me and my luck of getting the best mom in the whole world!).
So we finish the perm. She says that it's super permed.....that i have a future in this (no thanks)...and then she is saying that it looks like she has her hair up.....and that it's a no fuse hair style. So does that mean she likes it?! not sure. I think it looks cute maybe a few pieces in the front could be cut a little but otherwise it's very cute! I still don't know how she likes it. and i think it will take time and in 2-3 weeks when she colors it she will fully be able to say weather she likes it or not.
So i leave her house. I'm on my way home and i get pulled over! I was not speeding for once in my life i was not speeding!! But i still have not put my sticker on my license i figure its for that. NO it's not!! It was b/c i "ran a red light." and i'm like "HUH?" what is this guy on crack?! apparently if there is a left turning lane, and an arrow for this lane, you can not just yield while there is still a green light. You have to wait for a green arrow. Which color me surprised cause i really truly thought you could yield.....i see people do it all the time.....and everyone i have asked so far says they do it to...which i realize does not make it legal just makes us all law brake'rs! So i have a nice fat ticket but no points and he did not even say anything about my sticker not being on. OY! that was my night!
Today i am going to LUSH after work b/c i am at dangerously low supply of my soap! but LUSH is another story for another day.....sorry i am busy with work today.
Bye for now

No i did not get my tonsils removed, mom got both removed and i even double checked with mom cause you had me all paranoid! Mom is not afraid of computers, i think she is more afraid of the $$ for computers. And my mouse pad is cute. hehehe

1 comment:

gothbarbie said...

when i began reading this i thought you were about to get a ticket for indecent exposure in the parking lot, but then i remembered that all cops really are pigs and you would more likely get money FROM them for exposing yourself.

you know i don't have the sound hooked up here at work, and its not the place to listen to stuff like SYSTEM OF A DOWN, but i need to check out Serj's album-
i can't even count how many times i saw soad live "back then"
good shows!

mom and her perms...
all moms are weird.

