My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Neighbor Gate Update

She wasn't home yesterday when i worked out and possibly is back in the hospital since it appears her mother was the only person with a car to appear thoughout the night and this AM when i left for work... So i was able to work out just fine yesterday!  Tonight... who knows BUT i'm gonna do it anyhow and if she complains again i'll ask her what she would like me to do. and of course not listen to her.

i don't really understand what she expects me to do. Should i put pillows on my feet to walk around my apartment?  She did choose to live in a bottom unit... also it's an apartment so certain noises are to be expected in the day... i can understand past a point at night... i just really am still annoyed by all this if you can't tell.. whatever.

Moving on, tonight is day 14 of hot yoga... which means tomorrow is the half way point!  Which my teammate who does the hotness with me and i are going to celebration dinner after our half way class tomorrow!  I'm stupid excited about it!  We will be halfway there!!  and stuffing our faces... all good things! 

Now if i could just fast forward to the eating part tomorrow... that would be great! 

1 comment:

GothBarbie said...

Congrats on keeping up with all the challenges! Only you would choose to challenge on top of challenge on top of...and so forth!

