My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Problem being....

The biggest problem i have looking at other peoples blogs is it makes you either want their life or it makes you judge them too harshly. I guess i should stop reading about life and live it more.....theres time for that tomorrow! LOL

Did you know how many different exercises there are for the butt? There are a lot and all of them leave you not wanting to sit....the next day.....why am i an office butt? I would think my butt is falling off but it's way to large for that to be happening. Ok I'll stop talking about my butt now.

Have a swell day.

1 comment:

gothbarbie said...

hey don't read MY blog - you;ll totally want MY life! HA!

except for the part where you go to work everyday instead of staying home to play with barbies.

i only read 3 blogs - 2 of them are famous authors whose books i love to read - the other one is some obscure butt obsessed angry girl who hates ________ (thats a store)

