My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What a day it shall be.

So today is it's bend over and take it day for me. It also happens to be pouring and i had the worst dream/nightmare ever. Woke up to my own whimpering. AWESOME. I dreamt that my boyfriend not only broke up with me but he told me that everything he ever said about loving me and wanting to be with me was a total and complete lie said just to keep me around until he was done with me. UGH. BUT to top it off my sister was pregnant with twin girls (shudder) and i was trying to get her shower together before she popped those suckers out! But she refused to go anywhere that might seem like a "shower" location. (that is so her by the way.) So i had just been dumped and I'm trying to be happy for pending doom. What a fun dream.

I think it all leads up to the fact that the boyfriend and i are going to look at two apartments tonight in Ambler (shudder). I don't like apartment hunting, car shopping or lobotomies....and out of the three guess which one i would do first? My boy on the other hand LOVES apartment hunting and car shopping... in fact he shops for cars when he is perfectly happy with his. Crazy man i date i know.

i can't believe it's the second week of June....does anyone else feel like time is swiftly depleting? It's the middle of the year next year will be 2010 and i will have been out of Hell i mean high school for 10 years. Damn i am old! I guess i kind of already knew that since my cousin is graduating this year! Anyways, time in general just feels like it escapes so fast! I sure hope I'm spending some of that time doing worthwhile things......

Which brings me to hanging out with my mom (a worthwhile thing!!). She is cute! We always have fun and last night i almost got her to get pizza with me but the place was closed! UGH! Oh well she made yummy pasta mushroom ness! We watched the Monday night show and she really does not like that one guy or the girl and i decided that then you don't like the show but she disagreed....she said.... "Anyone could do that what they are why them?" or something along those lines. LOL.

On that note i better go assume the position. Have a swell Tuesday. (no not that kind of swell.)

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