My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Don't you love it when....

Something turns out better then you expected? When the world finally seems to be turning in your direction? Well i do. Not to curse anything but the project i have been crocheting is turning out quite nice. Also a side project i did as a surprise for the sis came out awesome! And that's all i can say about that since she is the main person who reads this. But don't worry I'm not leaving the surprise go too long she will get it soon. After all her birthday is coming up!

Tonight i am hoping to make turkey meat balls and visit my mom and ONE very cute and very kind caring young boy i have the pleasure of knowing! He is my maybe second cousin his name is Billy and he is such a sweetheart! When i get to see him or talk to him he brightens my day, heck even my week. His mom is really kind as well and so is his dad so i suppose that is where he gets it from! Anyways, i will also get to see the BEST MOM EVER EVER! I love her! :O)

The one problem in all this fun ness is i may have to be around the dog that makes me very sick. Don't get me wrong i like dogs but not when i react very sick face to them. O'well i guess you have to pay a price for all the fun ness.

The boyfriend took me to his magical bike shop last night. He failed to mention how he put a deposit on a 600$+ bike already. He maybe a little nutty but i still love him. The bikes were nice but I'm still of the stance that get a cheap one first see if you will ride it more then once in a lifetime then spend the money on the expensive one. BUT he is Mr. Buythebestsellitlaterifyouleaveittocollectdust! What can a person do? Kick em! LOL no kicking unfortunately does not solve everything.

So it's Wednesday and that's very nice! I like the sound of that! Have a good one on not me because I'm broke....but on someone rich.

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