My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, March 21, 2014

30 Day Madness!

So i am starting a 30 classes of hot yoga in 30 days challenge today!  Along with that i'm going to do the 30 day Shred & a burpee challenge (by the way whoever named that exercise... why?).  AND i think i may try to blog for 30 days!  Which means things are gonna get real boring around here!  Can i think of 30 days worth of stuff to blog?  Well you can help if you want and leave a comment of something you would like me to talk about!!!  (is that cheating... NO b/c i'm making up the rules! LOL)  SO ask questions or make suggestions and i'll see what i can do... other wise your getting 30 days of whatever random crap comes out of my head!

In other news i recently did a 3 day juice i wouldn't call it cleanse... it was more to reset my stomach so i would stop eating all the things all the time.  So i drank 4 16 to 20 ounce juices a day for 3 days. It wasn't too bad i just started missing the action of chewing food instead of drinking it's liquified remains.  I have a derby team mate that did a juice cleanse for 2 WEEKS!!!  Then followed it with only eating puree raw food for a week then finished by only eating raw solid food. He is a vegetarian!  and i don't know how he lasted 2 weeks. He also thought chewing things was nice!

Derby is busy as is work, life, and the general craziness of the universe.  On the plus side you get 29 more days of this...

Until tomorrow!

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