My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Honey Crisp Apple

No that isn't code for anything fancy... it's the type of apple i am eating right now and it's yummy... and giant... so it's for sharing. Spread the love.

So Popcorners are taking over my life and are FINALLY showing up in stores so i'm not just some crazy lady going on about an amazing snack that is made up & fake! I was really a day away from just ordering some on line when i found them at a Wegmans... then i found them at Giant yesterday on my way home (i stopped to get perogies which i haven't had in at least a year... for shame)! So the kettle ones are amazing! Sea salt also very yummy. The butter ones are ok... they have this strange under flavor of that powdered cheese from mac & cheese (which i hate). I have yet to try the white cheddar or Cheesy Jalapeno but i have good faith in them. NOW a popcorner is a triangle shaped popcorn chip like snack. I LOVE POPCORN but i HATE kernels... in fact i was going to try and purchase Hull Free popcorn a year or so ago till i realized it was a lot of money. SO popcorners are an amazing snack for a popcorn addict! Kernel free and AMAZING! Will it stop me from eating normal popcorn most likely not BUT it will help me eat less and annoy my teeth (gums) less! SO GO NOW FIND POPCORNERS (if you like popcorn) and make your mouth & tummy HAPPY!

Also i bought this tea that was half price it's green tea with cinnamon (Dilmah brand i have never heard of that brand) and it is YUMMY! i'm so glad i spent the 1.79$ on it. LOL yes it has caffeine but it is very yummy without sugar! My favorite tea quality.

Also a new fact i learned last night... green bananas are better for you then the fully ripe ones IF you are looking to fill up but not fill out... if you catch what i'm saying! A green banana is not fully digestible so if fills you up but leaves you with less calories absorbed! So EAT those green bananas! Also pistachio nuts the fat from them we don't absorb as much so eat away!! (well you know eat a serving... you still need to watch the calories)

Oh and i'm in love with the chocolate rice cakes! they are 60 calories in a cake and if you put some peanut butter on one... heaven! they have little mini chocolate chips in them... seriously try them... it's a good way to stop myself from going to wawa and buying their entire stock of Reece's pumpkins.

In annoying children news... My friend informed me when we were out a week or so ago that the SCREAMING child next to us wasn't bothering her b/c she is able to block it out. (she is a mother) That explained so much... and made me so sad all at the same time. So lets say 50% of the reason parents don't give an F about their screaming child is b/c they are blocking it out... (i may have said this before) wonderful. Sadly i can NOT block out your child's screams and i'm ready to smack them. Also my honey head and i were shopping and these two kids (lets say 10 years ish old i.e. should know better) were running YES running around a store almost knocking into people... knocking into displays for certain as their mom walked around "guys... really guys.... stop...." in a low library voice... LADY that is CLEARLY working so well for you. The dang kids didn't even pause for a moment... Effective parenting 101. Further cementing the shriveling of my eggs.

Well i hope you enjoy this Tuesday. i'm out.

1 comment:

Dunkelbunt/Verenii said...

Hey! I like your post! Really cool!
I will visit your Blog again!

Look at mine

Yours, Vereni

