My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Capital One pain in my BUTT

So you know those funny commercials for Capital One... no hassles no fees... OH how AWESOME!! Except it's not true... at all. I have two Capital One cards. I've had them for about i want to say 10 years. I have never found them to be hassle free or fee free. In fact my one card they like to charge me an annual membership fee for, EVEN THOUGH i declined whatever shit club or service it is exactly the fee pays for several times. THEY still charge me for it!! So i hadn't used either card in a year (they are fully paid off). And i get this late notice on the one card i'm like WHAT THE CRAP?! (i used a different cuss but i digress.) Well they charged me a 39$ membership fee in August! But didn't send me a bill (awesome) so they waited until the end of September and 2 late fees later to let me know i was late paying a membership fee i knew nothing about!! SO when i called about it, it was i'm afraid just a few days too late to remove the membership fee BUT we could get rid of the late fees for you...

Well thank you for treating a long time customer so well! I'm just so glad the no hassles no fees are for new members only. Isn't that great folks? So i cancelled the card right then and there after paying the 39$ for nothing! Yippee Party time everyone!

Then lets move on to the other card i have with them... somewhere along the way they put a password on it... THEY did. Not ME. THEY DID. I have no idea what this password is... therefore i can't call and TALK to them about this card BUT i can go online and use their online services... b/c i know my online login... MAKE SENSE of that! Please. I need to cancel this card as well... but i don't know the mystical magical password... so i can send a letter requesting they remove the password along with the letter i need to send a copy of my license and SS card i believe... that's comforting isn't it. That sounds hassle free doesn't it... Magical almost.

And that my friends is why i will no longer be a Capital One customer and how i was able to run 2 miles in 17 minutes. end rant.

hopefully later (or tomorrow) i will have a much more fun post for you.


KB said...

I totally understand. The same thing happened to me, but luckily they got tired of me not paying my bill on time (which I didn't b/c I also opted for not having the membership fee thing) & cut it off themselves. After paying it off fully I called to see if I could use it & they told me no b/c they canceled the service. Needless to say I was happy they did that. I now have not credit cards!

Thoughtsofinspiration said...

I don't know what to do about the magical password protected one. Yuck! I hope to be credit card free very soon (1 more to go). Thanks for your comment! Do you have a blog?

