My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The GPS has a deal with bad people

I have mounting evidence that my GPS wants me to:
1. get raped
2. get kidnapped
3. get beaten and left for dead
4. be murdered
5. be robbed
6. ALL of the above or a combo of them

Why would i say such things about the little innocent hunk of technology known as GPS (pronounced GeePees)?

Well all locations or final destinations SOME how = driving through the ghetto. ALL ALL of them = this. Oh you want to go to your moms house? which is the total opposite of the city? You must drive through North East Philly first... But... the city isn't between me and my mom... GPS doesn't care DRIVE THROUGH THE GHETTO NOW!

I want to go to my Derby game in NJ... DRIVE THROUGH North East Philly first... BUT i can just stay on the turnpike until it turns into the NJ turnpike.... NO NO YOU CAN'T you must waste at least an hour sitting in the ghetto traffic on a SATURDAY evening before passing GO.

So why was i surprised last night as we were driving into the city and Honey face poor poor naive honey face wanted to listen to the GPS? He was all like every way is f'd right now so lets follow the GPS. And I'm all well your driving so i guess you can do that. As we pulled onto 5th street... that's about the time the flash back started... to a cool Fall day... when i 1st started having to drive to more places in the city then just south street or the electric factory... I listened to GPS... I pulled onto 5th street... only to sit in traffic for AN HOUR to go 2.8 MILES through the Ghetto! As i watch GPS's time est. go up and up... AN HOUR for 2.8 miles. It all came rushing back last night.

When we left the house we were estimated to arrive at our destination at 6:08. As we drove along that estimate turned into 6:40. Wicked little devil box that GPS is! and it was sure to take us through the most Ghetto parts of philly... also took us through a shopping center YES you read that right!

my conclusion.... GPS = Evil.

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