My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The door..

So not only do we have the worst office in the whole place.....but now we can't even slightly close the door to keep slightly warm......someone will be getting a touch of my death hands soon enough i can see it now. Between the noise of the closet with the hub computer and the Freak'n cold wind (b/c it is not a breeze) our office blows. Then add the fact that we have NO window and our printers stink to high heaven like burning. (seriously smells like burning and we both sit right next to the printers future cancer patience anyone.)

There is a perfectly wonderful office being used as a conference room (rat bastards) but now we are stuck in the almost closet like office. But Hey i guess i should be happy I'm not in an actual closet b/c i hear they were thinking of putting someones desk in the supply closet a while back.

Oh so i just gave a nice cold hand of death to the owner....he thinks i might have a problem with my heart b/c no one should be that cold. HA NO it's called use the heat OR just SHUT up when people are wearing their coats inside (with a blanket on their legs). So no matter how nice it gets outside DON'T tell me i can't be cold. I will start cutting.

Have a swell Friday (hopefully your office or where ever you are knows how to use the heat).

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