My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Things i did instead of write...

Well i did lots of things. I read 3 Star Wars books in a matter of 17 days (see below picture)! I read one in 5 days, another in 5 days, and the last one in 7 days (to be fair one of those 7 days i didn't read at all). They were awesome books and YES i am officially glued to Star Wars books and it's all Honey head's friends fault! Yesterday on one rotten terrible work day one of the salesmen gave me 2 bags of Star Wars books! I am in heaven! I guess i'm good on books for a LONG while!

I crocheted a baby blanket in 7 days for honey head's friend who hooked me on Star Wars books! He and his wife are having a baby... clearly. LOL

I GOT MY NEW SKATES!! I have only skated in them twice b/c i was SUPER sick for like 3-4 weeks of yuck followed by YUCK with more YUCK on the side! But they are pretty and already i like the new abilities they give me to move up and down the track better! I'm still waiting on my new toe guards... that is a story for another day!

And finally I had THANKSGIVING with my family. Here you can see how much fun we have. The title of this photo is "I'm your cousin!" LOL I could explain it to you... but where is the fun in that?

So now your sort of caught up... in there i had a Derby game on the bank track. my team lost but i had tons of fun. For the game i baked some chocolate caramel filled cupcakes with chocolate caramel frosting... all made from scratch!! The caramel filling was a MESS! I hear they were yummy! I discovered this AWESOME device for icing cupcakes! When i make my next batch of cupcakes i'll post more b/c i forgot to take pictures of what the awesome cupcakes look like! (fail) And there was a bunch of other things that happened too... maybe someday i'll remember!

Until then have a wonderful Tuesday (crap it's only Tuesday...)!!

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