My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Teeth making me their bitch.

So I started the day (thursday) HONEST TO BAKED GOODS thinking “I really need to find a dentist and get an appointment before I do anything else medical or otherwise.” Really truly I was thinking that to myself (it’s only been oh 11 years or so since I have been to one… I know that is terrible). So I put it on my to do list (in my head) of things that HOPEFULLY I will do. Go about my day.

Eat crunchy things… have lunch… finish lunch… feel around my mouth… um… what is that jagged evil spot way back in my mouth… is that… NO… NO… it can’t be. Get to the bathroom and look at my tooth… indeed it is I broke a cusp off my very back tooth as well as a good chunk of my tooth. Thank you teeth for making my need to get you looked at more urgent and pressing.

This of course sends me into a downward spiral that of which THANKFULLY my husband gracefully pulled me out of. I e-mail him about it and clearly (because I cussed a bunch) display my state of panic. He stepped in right away and within half an hour had a dental office 10 minutes from my work that used nitrous (laughing gas) with an appointment. Seriously people and had it so our insurance covered me (that usually takes weeks b/c you’re supposed to set a dentist way before you go to one). He is my hero. (at least for now… LOL I am after all a woman)

So I go to the office and most everyone is nice even the receptionist which BY THE WAY is a miracle! But all that still induced my want to panic! The ONE person that wasn’t nice was the dental hygienist I think… or assistant. She took my xrays and was really snotty BUT it’s ok b/c the nice dentist gave me laughing gas and made it all seem better.

Some of my thoughts while on the gas… WOW my hands are so tiny… tiny little hands (which they are not!). Wow assistant lady lay off the onions and you’re a bitch. I cracked up at least 3 times and I’m sure I was sitting there with a dumb smile on my face as I’m slobbering everywhere and have a million things sticking out of my mouth. Also I thought “if my friends could only see me now they would be cracking up.”

Some things I noticed that I think come from a unclouded mind were how all dentist offices look the same once you have to open wide and tilt your head up. Same ceiling tiles, same lights, same other light shinning all up in your face… which is what started my panic attack b/c I was having flash backs to terrible dentist memories. “IF you don’t stop screaming we’re going to make your MOTHER go in the waiting room!” To which my mom responded “Like hell you are.” B/c please yeah right. But I was 7-8 and believed the dentist really had that authority until my mom chimed in.

Also this office had TV’s in the corner of the “exam rooms” for the “patient” but um… once my head is tilted up and my mouth wide open I can’t see that TV and I certainly can’t hear it over the drills and junk. But I noticed the assistant watching the TV instead of doing what she was supposed to be doing in my mouth. Thanks for trying with the TV but next time I’m bringing my iPod or something.

BUT my mouth wasn’t numb for hours after not even hour after. This has NEVER happened to me ever. I usually go home and sleep in a river of my own drool for hours after the dentist b/c I hate the feeling of numb and I am afraid I will swallow the pcs of filling that they don’t get left in your mouth after. However for the 1st time in the history of my dental nightmares I mean past my numbness went away within 30 minutes or less and I was able to eat and talk and swallow!

So I guess what I’m saying is Advanced Dental Smiles in Hatboro on York road… you have my approval! Also you called today to check up on me… Gold star! Highly recommend people! HIGHLY.



OMG! This cracked me up! You write like me and I loved the thoughts on laughing gas.

It was like 13 years from when I was a kid until I went back to the dentist as an adult. I asked them "where are the spit sinks?" I thought the hygenist was going to fall on the floor laughing (sans gas). Now I go proudly every 6 months to hear how clean my teeth are and thank you upon thank you because I bring them donuts :)

Thoughtsofinspiration said...

Thank you! Your blog is great! Good luck with the weight loss it's a tough road but 100% worth it!

Yeah i was totally looking for the spit sink as well!

