My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Pride & Responsible

Pride - a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people

Responsible - having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.

Something that gets at me like nothing else are people who don’t want to take pride in the things they do or be responsible for their actions / life / commitments. There is a situation (let’s call it that) that took place (taking place) in my derby world right now that involves the lack of these things. People having no pride in team or themselves I would have to guess which would lead to them completely passing the buck on their responsibilities. 

It’s frustrating because the responsibilities aren’t too demanding and everyone else gets their stuff done. But the same people over and over want special treatment or rules to be bent for their wills. They complain and whine their way to the results they want and because they did this for so long it resulted in the place we are at right now.  

If you read this blog you know how much I love my team the sweethearts.  I love my team so much b/c we work together so well, we know the things we need to do and we do them, when one of us is falling behind we see what we can do to help, and in general I feel like we have some grace and class.  So to be in the situation we are in right now is just not fun. We will move on and be better for it (most of us have already put our feelings away on this I’m slow to let things go). But it’s still just real shitty. 

Then we move on to other aspect of my life where this comes into play… work. At work I feel like 80% of the people don’t want to take any pride in their work or responsibility and it leads to things not getting done (important things) or if they do they get done very poorly.  It results in other people feeling over worked b/c they are making up for someone else not doing their job and the biggest pain it leads to is the blame game. OH how the blame game is so annoying. “I thought it was such and such’s job to do fill in the blank!  It’s not my job…”  I love when people say that too me b/c I would love to see this magically list of tasks they have with their “job” on it. They must have some limiting list that precludes them from responsibilities right? 

I just feel like more people need to take responsibility for things and then take pride because if you want your work to be great representations of you then have some damn pride already. Now I’m not talking too much pride where it becomes UN-helpful, I’m talking the amount where it helps you accomplish your very best. Ugh.

End rant.

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