My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, July 16, 2010

I am Chatty Cathy…

Well I woke up super early today and I worked out and then I got to walk with my one and only! So I’m all hopped up on BLACK TEA!!!! I brewed 2 bags in one cup which = trouble! But I’m ok with it. Are you? O’wait I don’t care. :oP

It’s been forever and then some since I last took any care for you blog… I’m deeply apologetic since mounds of things have happened since last we did meet:

Derby – my passion, life, and vigor for the past few months … phenomenal! Roller Derby with the Penn Jersey Roller Derby is phenomenal! I am on a team and my team is filled with super nice ladies who also happen to kick butt! :O) The league is filled with even more super nice ladies and gents that kick butt! It’s just over all an amazing fun filled piece of my life!

Family – Mom & Sister always amazing… DUH! If you have read an inch of this blog you would know how wonderful they both are! The wonderfulness of them hasn’t left one little bit it’s only gotten better! We continue to have fun crazy wacky times together that will forever be cherished by me!

Honey face head (one and only) – His job is finally calming down which means HE is calming down. WHICH means we get to do lots of fun seemingly boring things together. Like go for walks in the morning, eat at a new restaurant, pick out a car alarm, make dinner together, watch the Tee Vee together, and other stuff that people would think was boring BUT when done in pairs is much more enjoyable!

Un-Fatting – As of today I am down 22 lbs. I don’t intend to lose too much more… and I’m pretty certain that I will post pictures for you to see actual results b/c I find them motivating… maybe you will as well. Or maybe you will just go on a tangent saying this chick is full of herself who really wants to see pics of her before and after. Pfffft! Friday (o today) is technically the end of our challenge. BUT as we changed so did the club… I don’t think there will be any consequences for anyone. We will just continue to support each other and keep up with the jobs well done!
With my weight loss came… SHOPPING!! And going from a size 12 at one store to a size 6! Going from a size 10 to a 4! Also, going from shirts that say XL to ones that say S and gasp even a few that say XS. NOT that sizes matter but dang does it feel nice! Don’t get me wrong I have literally worked my buns off to get here. There was no magical wand I waved to make this happen… b/c if you will note I started this on March 7th… it is now July 16th. You do the math. About 19 weeks… 19 weeks = 22 lbs. Also since I shared the DVDs that I worked out to before I will share the new ones I added to my routine. Personal Training with Jackie (where she kicks your butt… granted her and Jillian have the same principles BUT their workouts do indeed make you hurt in different places), then there is this Random Scott Pilates DVD (note the link does not take you to the one i have b/c it's so random i can't find it on the www) my mom had given me one year for my birthday, and finally (at this current moment) Shiva Rea Yoga (this yoga DVD isn't stupid like many i have come across the routines are nice and actually make you sweat... though there is ONE segment where you just lie on the floor and i feel asleep... yeah you read that right). I also continue to throw Jillian in there at random times to make sure things are switched up often!

There is plenty of other stuff that has happened, backpacking, zip lining, rock wall climbing, derby games, trying to plan a kind of wedding, work, work, and more work. I’m just glad I wrote this post.

So until next time b/c who knows when that will be… enjoy your life! I’m enjoying mine!

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