My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 (i missed 2012 for shame)

1) Was 2013 a good year for you? Yeah i got to go to VT to snowboard, CA to skate, surf, and see a friend, and CO to fall in love with an entire state!  Minus the whole pot being legal thing... jerks have to ruin everything. Also i got to go team camping with my SWEETHEARTS! 

2) What was your favorite moment of the year? CO!!!  Colorado was so amazing. i love it.

3) What was your least favorite moment of the year? Honey face and my sis getting laid off.

4) Where were you when 2013 began? At my friend Lucky's house, Honey face and i were sick but determined to celebrate!

5) Who were you with? Honey face, Lucky, Ray, and some other people.

6) Where will you be when 2013 ends? At Lucky's house!

7) Who will you be with when 2013 ends? Honey face, Lucky, Ray, & George

8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2013? i didn't have one. I never have one... they don't work.

9) Do you have a new years resolution for 2031? See above.

10) Did you fall in love in 2013? YES with CO! It's so damn pretty!

11) Do you regret it? I still don't get this question... what am i maybe regretting?

12) Did you breakup with anyone in 2013?  I broke up with Cable TV... or was that last year? LOL

13) Did you make any new friends in 2013? No just worked on the ones i have making them stronger and more fun.

14) Who are your favorite new friends? See above also kinda shitty to ask this question why am i just realizing this...

15) What was your favorite month of 2013? I had a bunch of good ones!  When we went to VT, CALI and CO!

16) Did you travel outside of the US in 2013? Still nope

17) How many different states did you travel to in 2013? 6!  One being NJ so maybe that doesn't count, and 2 of them we just drove through just to get to CO from CA.

18) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2013? No

19) Did you miss anybody in the past year? I don't think so.

20) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2013? I can't think of one.... i saw some pretty good ones that i didn't hate which is good for me.

21) What was your favorite song from 2013? William's Blurred Bynes

22) What was your favorite record from 2013? MSI How I Learned to Stop Giving a Sh*t and Love

23) How many concerts did you see in 2013? A few... can i remember them now... NOPE.

24) Did you have a favorite concert in 2013? see above!

25) Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2013? Gross and no never any at all. Gross question!

26) Did you do a lot of drugs in 2013? Again Eww NO NEVER!! Even worse question then the one above!

27) Do you regret anything you've done this year? Not jumping when the time was right.

28) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? Derby fight. the end.

29) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2013? HA how about that they were my friend... (interesting this was from 2010 but is fitting now.)

30) Did you treat somebody badly in 2013? They may feel i did... (from 2010 fitting). Feelings... gross.

31) Did anyone treat you badly in 2013? Yeah see above... it happens (same as 2010... interesting)

32) How much money did you spend in 2013? i don't know but i like stuff. (LOL same as 2010)

33) What was your proudest moment of 2013? Trying to play a bank track game in LA with totally new rules against totally new teams!

34) What was your most embarrassing moment of 2013? I don't know...i'm over all pretty embarrassing... (lol same as 2010)

35) If you could go back in time to any moment of 2013 and change something, what would it be? JUMP take the leap.

36) What are your plans for 2014? Be happier with my job. Seems simple right?

Now let see if this blog post leads to more posts in 2014.... one can only hope.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Know it all Jerk face Party of ME?

So I may have a problem… I maybe come off as a know it all jerk face.

In my mind the process goes like this… someone has a task we need to do, they say ideas and then I spout of 50 ideas because I’m super excited and want to make the best but cheapest thing ever.

Here is the scenario (most recent), My friend (that I love and is very creative) was asked to make wine glass markers for my sister-in-laws bridal shower (I don’t know why).  So I was like I will totally help with that! It involves beads and craft stores and I love those things! Even though wine is lame (to me cause I don’t drink…).  I went to a craft store at lunch (for yarn originally) and started coming up with a thousand ideas because I was super excited and excitable… I was pic texting my friend and her idea was to do them all different colors with the bride and grooms initials and I am all “but I feel like the bride and groom initials are something people won’t use again.” So now I feel like I’m a know it all jerk who stomps on people’s dreams.

Then there is a camping trip my awesome team is going on (and honestly anything my awesome team does I get so super excited about).  So I sent an email about all the things we could maybe do…. Because I was excited but now I feel like maybe it looks more like I’m a know it all jerk… 

Help internet… am I turning into a know it all jerk?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wow it's been a while

Every time i sit down to type a post i'm like well... should i write about this... no this... no maybe this... no that seems boring or self involved how about this? nope that's lame...before i know it 20 minutes have passed i'm staring at a blank screen and i start day dreaming of ice cream or tacos or fried pickles and i've closed out the window and let my blog go for yet another week. (ps what is a blog if not self involved... what is wrong with me...)

SO things have been fun and crazy and sometimes not fun. More recently i just came back from a real life grown up vacation!  It all started with going to California LA to be exact to skate in this awesome tournament Battle of the Bank VI. Our league got very short notice so i started a fiverr account with gigs to raise some money. Instead of just asking people for money for nothing. Some people got the concept... some didn't. It's ok. It combined my love for writing and making shit up with raising money. Cool. My fiverr is still active because now i'll just do it for fun. (in case you were interested.)

So back to LA and BOTBVI... Well LA, i still have a friend who lives out there and she had a cute baby in September so i was all about going to LA for this derby event. The husband was all about it too. He gets excited about things that get me excited he is cute like that (you can barf now). So we planned our trip, got excited, some time passed and the husband had the brilliant idea of adding more days and heading to Colorado! Denver, Boulder, and surrounding areas. SO our vacation went from 5 days (1 day of travelish) to 11 days (1 day of travel for certain)!!

The BOTBVI was fun and amazing and i wrote a little about it here... go ahead click on it and read. It made me appreciate OSDA rules more than ever and the game my league strives to play. But i gained a little respect for what other rule sets are doing as well since they have a big arena with everything in it... a guy selling fresh made cookies stuffed with  ice cream that he then rolled in cookie crumbs... come on! A chiropractor and a massage therapist... and a freaking sewing company that makes uniforms and derby wear in general.. you don't have a complete shit game if you have all that going on!

My friend in Cali has a really cute baby. She was a little cranky with the "i'm teething don't even look at me unless your mommy" syndrome kids get. But my friend lives in a very lovely home with a super nice boyfriend. She seems happy for once in her life, are things 100% perfect NO b/c nothing ever is but she seems more adjusted and happy in this life than i have seen her in a really long time. So that was nice to see.

Cali in general was pretty & sad at the same time. it's a giant rolled up ball of feelings for me always. It represents a time in my life when i thought all the members of my little family were happiest. It's were i got to go to Disneyland all the time and my mom had friends and my sister seemed happy. Yes i was like 3 to 9 when we lived there but things seemed great. But it's also sad because it's so crowded and smoggy and there were so many homeless people. It's a rolled up ball of feelings i tell you. Also we took surfing lessons out there... so much fun!

Colorado... was amazing. We ate, hiked, ate, ate, hiked, ate, explored, shopped, ate, saw the rocky mountains, ate, did i say ate?  We relaxed and enjoyed ourselves, each other, and the state of Colorado. I skated with a league out there the Denver Derby Dolls.  They were all super friendly and kind.  Their rules are totally different than my leagues but they were understanding and helpful. I saw them skate some pretty sweet moves on the track even if i don't understand their rules.

So vacation was awesome but now i'm back to real life and this post took me 2 days and in those 2 days a co-worker of mine passed away in his sleep.  He was 49, and i was just talking to him yesterday. They don't know what happened yet and it's all a bit unbelievable still. He was super nice and always did what i asked (which is rare around here).  He will be missed greatly and i feel terrible for his poor wife that went to sleep with a husband and woke up with none. So tonight (tomorrow or whenever you read this) tell the people that are important to you that you love them. Hug them and squeeze them and laugh with them as much as you can. We never know about the next moment, we can only enjoy this one right now! 
