My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rain, Rain go away! NO WAIT!!!!

Rain might not be great for some people to endure....but on nights that i have to work rain is a blessing!! You know why....b/c the last thing tourist want to do on a rain filled night is shop for dog treats!! so i guess i'll be reading!! so I don't want it to go away!!

So off to work i go this was a short to the point post.....see you next time.


quietly going mad... said...

Have fun at work love!! Yeah for reading!

gothbarbie said...

I AM JEALOUS! no matter how bored i get at my stupid job i NEVER get to read a book!
i finish my work 20xs faster than everyone here and i have 2 options, do eveyone else's work when i'm done with mine for the day or doodle and stare into space for several hours and check my sister's blog (well and othe blogs that actually get updated!)

so jealous.
so bored.
but at least i don't live in the south.

Thoughtsofinspiration said...

-Gothbarbie (LBS) Don't be jealous b/c if you lived here and worked my job you would be getting 300$ a week if your lucky.....and if you were working your job you would get 11$ - 12$ an hour....BOOO! and i'm working on the updating more offten that i have people (ok person) reading! hahahaaa

-Thanks katie!

