My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


i just realized i have 2 post for 2010 vs the bunch of post i had in 2008... 2009 had a bunch too but not as much as 2008... guess i was more word filled in 2008.... hmmm.

Random out of the blue post

So is it crippling to see an ad for a part time job that has remedial tasks but offers the same amount of pay you currently get for your over stuffed full time job? Does it make you want to apply for said part time job? The answer to both questions are YES!! WOW it’s kind of terrible really. But will I apply for the part time job… most likely NO. Why because if I start a part time job and it’s all good for a while… (oh yeah forget the part where I wont have health care) but then it gets boring and I go to look for another job… how do you explain why you went from working FT to PT without sounding like a lazy person? Oh well the PT job paid the same as the FT except I could work less… and have more me time. (b/c I don’t have children, sick person to take care of… or other acceptable reasons for working less when you could work more.) BLAH to all of this… this whole paragraph.

What else… I haven’t blogged in forever. And I don’t like that but I’ve accepted it. sorry if you haven’t… that makes me slightly sad for you but mostly I feel nothing b/c I’m dead inside. Ok I’m not dead inside I just don’t feel bad b/c I have been super busy! With new apartment, roller derby, laundry (did you know it breeds when your not looking?), being less fat (yeah you read that right 14 lbs and counting wahoo), and other various things that seem more important then blogging.

Sure I have tons of topics to blog about and crazy stories. But they all slipped into the sleepy dust and it’s not very likely that we will see them again (that is totally from an Eisley song you’ll get over it). … what’s that you say you want to hear about the process of un-fatting (wow that is a word AWESOME... wait it's a word in Word but not according to blogger Compose... see my note to Compose for further hate). Well I have been watching calories (thank you myplate) and I did the 30 day shred (if I’m brave I might post the actual photographic evidence showing you how that worked out), then I switched onto 2 of Jillian Michaels other workout DVDs: No more trouble zones & Banish fat boost metabolism (thank goodness it isn’t the other way around). With some jogging and lots of skating mixed in and BAM I have lost 14 lbs since March 7th and counting! It’s been a lot of work BUT the way I figure it… in retrospect it took me I don’t know 6-7 years to get this fatty fat so a few months ½ year to get un-fat is NOTHING! And then of course keeping up with it will be another challenge but one I’m more then ready to take on.

Should I also mention that I am part of a fat club… it consists of my 2 friends and me. We support each other and have an ultimate punishment for the fatty that doesn’t lose the most weight by July 16th!! So that is a lot of motivation right there. But it has sort of turned more into a lifestyle change and wanting to keep up with it. Which is really cool. So I have been super busy trying to make sure I exercise and eat healthy everyday. Sorry blog you have once again suffered the consequences. (side note i typed this all in word then copied it over to blogger and i had to use the Edit Html to paste b/c Compose doesn't like you pasting. well screw you Compose Edit Html is way nicer then you ever were.) Anyways this is my random out of the blue post and you love it.

Bye bye now. (notice i put a few links in to lead you to the un-fat things i have been using... just showing you... not suggesting that you need un-fatting... just showing you.)
