My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why with the hotness?

Why Hot Yoga?  Am I a glutton? For me a good hot yoga class is a really amazing experience. (forgive me if I have written about this before.)  My 1st class was amazing (held at the Solebury Club).  The class was packed so I thought this should be good, thank goodness I arrived early to get a spot for me and my friend.  It just had the ability to take me out of my head and focus everything on my movements.  So I was hooked. But that class at that location was expensive.

I kept looking for a closer not to overpriced place.  I found one! But it was a total let down especially compared to my 1st one!  A. the place looked totally closed. B. the instructor was 5 minutes late to open the house (yes I said house) that the class was located in. C. it wasn’t even sort of hot, it was like a slightly warm spring day where you contemplate wearing long sleeves with no sweater or sweatshirt over top.  D. the instructor had no flow plus was showing off to another instructor in the class i.e. doing ludicrous moves not at all paying attention to her struggling small class before her. And E. when I went to leave the awful parking lot some d bag creeper in class had parked so close to me (he had plenty of other space trust me) that I couldn’t leave until he did. So I waited out there totally stressing out defeating the purpose of the class (had it actually been a good class) and when he finally pulled out of his parking spot he gave ME dirty looks?!  WTF. So for a while I thought I was going to break up with hot yoga. 

I was always looking at groupons and living social deals to see if there were any places near me because that was the only way I was going to give it another try if it was cheap and close. That way if I hated it at least I didn’t spend a bunch of money = sadness.  So I had finally found a cheap groupon for one unlimited month of hot yoga at a place not too far from my house with classes I could actually make. A good rule of thumb for hot yoga classes get there at least 15 minutes early… if it’s a good class because it will be filled up!

So I took my first class at Dana Hot Yoga Studio in Glenside and I was hooked again and 1 class turned into 19 or 20 in 30 days and I liked every instructor there.  Not a bad one in the bunch!  Were some tougher then others yes but they were all great!  So that groupon deal ended and I took a random class here and there until this 30 classes in 30 days challenge came up!  Oh and I need to mention how the place became 100% more amazing when one of my favorite team mates also went there!  So now she and I are doing this challenge and I get the bonus of seeing her!  There are some new instructors and they are all still great.  I think it’s because they all go through the same training and learn a good foundation. Or it’s just because they are awesome… I don’t know. But my greatest yoga feat is crow… as shown in the photo below. And that is why hot yoga!

1 comment:

GothBarbie said...

take a better photo without that black roll thing - people will think your feet are resting on it! but no - your feet are in THE AIR! CRAY!

