My name is Topaz and I like hearing my self type.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday."

The title is a quote from Princess Bride because i always think of that when i think about weddings. 

So my friend just asked me today if there was anything I would have changed about my wedding and my only change would have been my photographer.  Now I realize a % of the blame goes to myself for not fully communicating with my photographer. BUT she was so not interested in taking my wedding photos she was more interested in talking to my friend who was also her friend. She was cheap though… so you get what you pay for.

But other than that I totally loved my wedding. It was small, unique to me and the husband and inexpensive. I picked the things I really wanted and all the other hype went out the window.  My sister did the same thing with her wedding. I feel like so many people fall into the list of what every wedding is supposed to have or be and end up with this monster of a thing.  The two weddings I attended in 2013 actually also did the same thing they did the things they wanted and said screw you convention. Not knocking conventional weddings per-say just knocking the idea that you HAVE TO have a wedding a certain way.  Also all the money people waste on all the things they say you MUST HAVE! 

One big thing I don’t get is wedding cakes, most of the weddings I have been too have had real pretty cakes but they tasted AWFUL.  So when I had mine we went to 3 different bakeries and tried their cakes one place had a moist pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting that I died for!  So they were the winner!  B/c I find most cakes have a moisture issue like the cake is so dry! That is not a cake that is sadness. Don’t want to brag but everyone loved our cake. Weather they just said it to be nice or not I don’t know, I didn’t seek out they just confessed loving it.  So if you’re getting married do cake justice would you! Or go with an ice cream bar! (Coldstone does that!!) 

Another reason why wedding things are on my mind, it was my 3 year anniversary on Monday!  We didn’t do much because of other life things happening plus were kind of celebrate the milestone ones more people than celebrate every one.  But tell me how it can feel like way longer and not that long at the same time. I feel like we’ve been married forever yet not that long at the same time.  I guess the forever part comes because we have been together for 8 years and 8 months (LOL) we’ve lived together for 8 years and 6 months of that time and have been married for 3 of those years!  So all that to say yay 3 year anniversary!  Yippee to still liking (yes and loving each other) each other, still learning new things about each other, and still wanting to go on crazy adventures with each other. He is certainly the peanut butter to my jelly!

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